This has been an economically valuable fishery for all three West Coast states for more than
100 years. Over time, the commercial harvest of albacore expanded north from the traditional fishing grounds off southern California.
Troll and bait boat (live bait) are the principal commercial gears, although some
albacore is incidentally caught by purse seine, longline, and large mesh drift gillnet. The fishing
season varies from year to year, depending on oceanographic conditions, which strongly
influence the occurrence of fish within range of the West Coast fleet, and economics. A typical
season runs July through October, with landings peaking in August-September. This fishery
lands albacore almost exclusively with little incidental catch.
In 2024 landings in this fishery totaled 4,389 metric tons worth $ 15.5 million compared to 8,119 metric tons worth $ 34.2 million in recent 10-year average.
Between 2014-2024, the top four West Coast ports for albacore landings have been Washington Coast, WA ( 47,008 metric tons, $ 189.4 million), Newport, OR ( 11,266 metric tons, $ 50.0 million), Coos Bay, OR ( 7,635 metric tons, $ 33.0 million), Astoria-Tillamook, OR ( 6,419 metric tons, $ 26.9 million).
All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.