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  • Highly Migratory Species SAFE Portal



SAFE Title

Pacific Fishery Management Council

West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species Landings and Revenue Data

Photo: Pacific Fishery Management Council

Annual Highlights

Stats title

HMS Fisheries in 2024

Total Catch

5,066 mt

metric tons of catch

Exvessel Revenue

$ 21 million

estimated ex-vessel value



vessels fishing



dealers operating


About SAFE

About Highly Migratory Species SAFE

Section 4.6 in the Fishery Management Plan for U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species (HMS FMP) describes the production of an annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation report, or SAFE. It provides the Council with a summary of information about the condition of HMS stocks and their marine ecosystems, and the social and economic condition of recreational and commercial fisheries and fishing communities. This HMS SAFE Portal, developed and maintained by the Pacific Fisheries Information Network, provides a point of public access to HMS fisheries landings, revenues and participation data. This Portal accompanies information found in the online SAFE on the Pacific Council’s website.

This Portal is organized in three tabs. In addition to this “About” landing page, there are the SAFE Highlights and Available Data tabs.

The Highlights tab provides fishery specific information, including a brief description of the fishery; catch, revenues, and participation trends; and average landings composition by species.

The Available Data tab provides access to 10 detailed data reports. These reports present landings, revenues, and participation data by species, fisheries, port, and time of year. Users may filter the data and download it for further processing and use.



For more information, or to provide comments or feedback, please email (PacFIN staff) or (Pacific Council staff).