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GMT00701 - Scorecard of Groundfish Stock Species and Complexes

This report offers the latest estimates of total mortality of all groundfish stock species and complexes caught on the West Coast within the management jurisdiction of the Pacific Fishery Management Council. The estimates encompass shorebased commercial and tribal landings, as well as catch from both the at-sea whiting fishery and marine recreational fishing. Mortality estimates for shoreside landings include at-sea discards from the Groundfish Expanded Mortality Multiyear (GEMM) report. In instances where GEMM discard estimates are unavailable for the most recent years, a three-year moving average of these discards is employed. Data sources include PacFIN's Comprehensive Fish Ticket dataset, PacFIN's Comprehensive NPAC dataset (at-sea whiting), RecFIN's comprehensive recreational catch dataset, PSMFC’s E-tix, GEMM report, and ODFW and CDFW nearshore fixed gear discard estimates. User documentation (here).

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ACL CodeStock NameRetained Weight (mt)Discard Weight (mt)Discard Average UsedTotal Mortality (mt)Annual Catch Limit (mt)Percent Attained of ACL
ARTHArrowtooth Flounder92.386548.711T641.09711,193
BCAC_SBocaccio (South of 40 10)106.0176.378T112.3951,681
BDBR_OBlue/Deacon/Black Rockfish Complex off Oregon7.19110.774T17.965423
BLCK_CBlack (CA)1.1301.550T2.680234
BLCK_WBlack (WA)0.0000.000T0.000245
BSKTBig Skate1.66536.758T38.4231,224
CBZN_CCabezon (CA)2.7050.286T2.991162
CLPRChilipepper (South of 40 10)223.45864.024T287.4822,815
CNRYCanary Rockfish10.2262.055T12.281571
CWCD_SCowcod (South of 40 10)0.1932.031T2.22477
DBRKDarkblotched Rockfish25.11512.307T37.422754
DOVRDover Sole653.57245.437T699.00947,424
DSRKSpiny Dogfish1.519143.022T144.5411,361
ECSPEcosystem Component Species2.596145.689T148.285******
EGLSEnglish Sole3.645201.458T205.1038,884
KGCZ_OKelp Greenling/Cabezon off Oregon3.0290.009T3.038177
KGCZ_WKelp Greenling/Cabezon off Washington0.0000.035T0.03515
LCOD_NLingcod (North of 40 10)42.14815.685T57.8333,631
LCOD_SLingcod (South of 40 10)34.5314.516T39.047748
LSKTLongnose Skate82.17188.868T171.0391,616
LSPN_NLongspine Thornyhead (North of Conception)4.6886.207T10.8952,050
LSPN_SLongspine Thornyhead (South of Conception)0.5520.049T0.601648
NSRF_NNearshore Rockfish North (North of 40 10)0.2941.677T1.97188
NSRF_SNearshore Rockfish South (South of 40 10)10.0952.499T12.594932
OFLTOther Flatfish26.30898.857T125.1657,974
OGRNOther Fish0.5910.928T1.519223
PCODPacific Cod1.1060.173T1.2791,600
POPPacific Ocean Perch (North of 40 10)37.4242.620T40.0443,328
PTRLPetrale Sole487.04317.034T504.0772,354
PWHTPacific Whiting0.876232.700T233.576******
SABL_NSablefish (North of 36)887.066195.366T1,082.43228,688
SABL_SSablefish (South of 36)45.87110.089T55.9607,857
SCORCalifornia Scorpionfish0.1500.548T0.698244
SHRF_NShelf Rockfish North (North of 40 10)4.72754.684T59.4111,330
SHRF_SShelf Rockfish South (South of 40 10)25.16424.801T49.9651,457
SLRF_NSlope Rockfish North (North of 40 10)7.32432.697T40.0211,488
SLRF_SSlope Rockfish South (South of 40 10)19.4832.833T22.316693
SNOS_SSplitnose (South of 40 10)0.06921.831T21.9001,508
SSPNShortspine Thornyhead69.0000.000F69.000815
STRYStarry Flounder0.3546.968T7.322392
WDOWWidow Rockfish1,283.73914.015T1,297.75411,237
YEYEYelloweye Rockfish0.0337.524T7.55756
YTRK_NYellowtail Rockfish (North of 40 10)79.1662.753T81.9196,241