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GMT008 - Draft Annual Groundfish Harvest Specifications

Draft 2023 and 2024 groundfish harvest specifications under default and alternative harvest control rules.

Reports Region

Stock or ComplexAreaCategoryProbabilityABC Buffer FractionOFLABCACLStock StatusNotesAssessment YearAssessment TypeAssessment AuthorSpawning Potential Ratio Harvest RateMost Recent Stock Assessment LinkSSC Report LinkRebuilding Analysis LinkUpdated Harvest Specification Projections LinkGCCnt RecGc Val
CA2 (Year Based)0.450.143---Overfished
Stock defined as CA (S of 42). Harvest specifications for 2025-2026 based on 2021 assessment and 2023 rebuilding analysis. Per June 2024 Council decision, ABC rule rebuilding strategy and removed from the Nearshore Rockfish Complexes off California, P*=0.45.

Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record. Any sub-area records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition or for retroactive purposes. 
2021Data-moderateLangseth-2021 Quillback rockfish off California stock assessment-2023 Quillback rockfish off California rebuilding analysis-1055
Yelloweye Rockfish
CW1 (Year Based)0.400.176105.887.256Rebuilding
OFL based on the 2023 catch-only update of the 2017 rebuilding analysis (Table 1, Agenda Item G.2 Supp Revised Attachment 15 Sept 2023).
2017FullGertseva-2017 Yelloweye Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2017 Yelloweye Rockfish Assessment2017 Yelloweye Rockfish Rebuilding Analysis2023 Catch-Only Update of the 2017 Yelloweye Rockfish Rebuilding Analysis-11
Arrowtooth Flounder
CW2 (Year Based)0.400.32164601119311193Non-Overfished
OFL based on the 2021 catch-only update of the 2017 update assessment (Table 1; Correa et al. 2021; Agenda Item C.6 Attachment 9 Sept 2021).
2017UpdateSampson-2017 Arrowtooth Flounder Update AssessmentSSC Report on the 2017 Arrowtooth Flounder Update Assessment-2021 arrowtooth flounder catch-only update-11
Big Skate
CW2 (Year Based)0.450.159145612241224Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 big skate assessment (Table 15 pg 67).
2019FullTaylor-2019 Big Skate AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Big Skate Assessment---11
Black Rockfish
WA1 (Year Based)0.450.065262245245Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table vii, pg xix).
2023FullCope-2023 Black Rockfish Assessment WASSC Report on the 2023 Black Rockfish Assessment WA--1033
Black Rockfish
CA1 (Year Based)0.450.065250234234Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table 65, pg 142).
2023FullDick-2023 Black Rockfish Assessment CASSC Report on the 2023 Black Rockfish Assessment CA--1033
S of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.091184916811681Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR from the 2019 updated harvest specification projections based on new sigmas with a 7.4% reduction to subtract the portion of the assessed stock north of 40°10’ N. lat. (Table 5 pg 3; Agenda Item H.8 Supp Attachment 2 Sept 2019).

2017UpdateHe-2017 Bocaccio Update AssessmentSSC Recommendations on the 2017 Bocaccio Update Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Bocaccio (Table 5) Based on New Sigmas1022
CA1 (Year Based)0.450.083176162162Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR from the 2019 assessment (Table ES18 pg 41; Table ES19 pg 42).
2019FullCope-2019 Cabezon AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cabezon Assessment--1055
S of 34271 (Year Based)0.450.08320.518.7985-Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR from the 2019 assessment (Table ES18 pg 41).
2019FullCope-2019 Cabezon AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cabezon Assessment---55
3427 - 421 (Year Based)0.450.083155.9142.9603-Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR from the 2019 assessment (Table ES19 pg 42).
2019FullCope-2019 Cabezon AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cabezon Assessment---55
Cabezon/Kelp Greenling
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
WA3 (Year Based)0.450.22218.314.237414.2374Non-Overfished
OFL based on a DB-SRA assessment in the 2019 assessment (Table 48 pg 190, unweighted-50%).

2019SSSCope-2019 Cabezon AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cabezon Assessment---55
Kelp Greenling
WA3 (Year Based)0.450.2227.15.52385.5238Unknown
OFL based on a 2015 DB-SRA estimate using a low vulnerability prior (Table 11 pg 12, Delta option 4; Agenda Item I.4 Attachment 4 November 2015). 

Low vulnerability prior from data-moderate assessment document (Figure 54 in Cope, J., E. Dick, A. MacCall, M. Monk, B. Soper, and C. Wetzel. 2015. Data-moderate stock assessments for brown, China, copper, sharpchin, stripetail, and yellowtail rockfishes and English and rex soles in 2013. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, OR, 298 p.).

2015DBSRADick-2015 DB-SRA estimate for WA kelp greenlingSSC report on the 2015 WA kelp greenling DB-SRA estimate---33
Cabezon/Kelp Greenling
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
OR1 (Year Based)0.450.08352.648.234248.2342Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR from the 2019 assessment (Table ES20 pg 43).
2019FullBerger-2019 Cabezon AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cabezon Assessment---55
Kelp Greenling
OR1 (Year Based)0.450.1142.997128.6973128.6973Non-Overfished
OFL projected in the 2021 catch-only update of the 2015 assessment (Table 5, Agenda Item C.8. Attachment 2 September 2021).
2015FullBerger-2015 Oregon Kelp Greenling AssessmentSept. 2015 SSC Report on the Oregon Kelp Greenling Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Oregon Kelp Greenling (Table 5) Based on New Sigmas.-33
California Scorpionfish
CWCA Scorpionfish (Year Based)0.450.106273244244Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 catch-only update of the 2017 assessment (Table 6 pg 4; Agenda Item H.8 Supp Attachment 2 Sept 2019).
2017FullMonk-2017 CA Scorpionfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2017 CA Scorpionfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for California Scorpionfish (Table 6) Based on New Sigmas-11
S of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.1312828152815Non-Overfished
OFL from a 2023 catch-only projection update of the 2015 assessment, based on the corrected 2017 catch-only update to the assessment to correct errors in historical catch estimates between 1916-2016 (based on the 2017 model with time-varying buffers starting in 2015) (Table 1 pg 2; Agenda Item E.2 Attachment 2 Nov 2023). OFLs are apportioned to the North (7%) and South (93%) of 40°10’ N lat. based on average historical landings. S of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 3363.5 * 0.93 = 3128.06; 2026 OFL = 3171.2 * 0.93 = 2949.22.

2015UpdateField-2015 Update Assessment of Chilipepper RockfishSSC Report on the 2015 Chilipepper Rockfish Update Assessment-2023 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Chilipepper Rockfish1022
S of 4010---1117777Non-Overfished
Harvest specifications are the sum of assessed area projections (South of Pt Conception 34°27’ N. lat.) and DBSRA estimates (40°10’ to 34°27’ N. lat.).   
2019-Dick-2019 Cowcod AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cowcod Assessment--1044
4010 - 34273 (Year Based)0.400.39818.33311.0365-Unknown
OFL is based on the 2019 DB-SRA estimate in Appendix B of the 2019 cowcod assessment (Table F2 pg 179; Percentile 50% (Median)). OFLs are apportioned to the north of 40°10’ N lat. (3%) and 40°10’ - 34°27’ N lat. (97%) based on cumulative historical catch (Table F3 pg 179; 1916-2018).

2019DBSRADick-2019 Cowcod AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cowcod Assessment---44
S of 34272 (Year Based)0.400.29492.809365.5234-Non-Overfished
OFL is based on a 50% SPR harvest rate projected in the 2019 assessment, with a time varying category 2 sigma, P* = 0.4. in 2019 projections (Table 6 pg 5; error in caption as correction is South of 34°27’ N. lat.; Agenda Item H.6 Attachment 2 November 2019).
2019FullDick-2019 Cowcod AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cowcod Assessment---44
Darkblotched Rockfish
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.091830754754Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR in the 2021 catch-only projection update (Table 1; Lee 2021; Agenda Item C.6 Attachment 12 Sept 2021).

2017UpdateWallace-2017 Update Assessment of Darkblotched RockfishSSC Report on the 2017 Darkblotched Rockfish Update Assessment-2021 Catch-Only Projection Update for Darkblotched Rockfish-11
Dover Sole
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.074512144742447424Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 30% SPR harvest rate in the 2021 full assessment, with assumed removals equal to the adopted ACL of 50,000 mt in 2023-2024 (per Sept 2023 Council request) (Table 2; Agenda Item E.2 Revised Attachment 4 Nov 2023).
2021FullWetzel-2021 Dover Sole AssessmentSSC Report on the 2021 Dover Sole Assessment-Dover Sole Revised Projections per Sept 2023 Council Request-11
English Sole
CW2 (Year Based)0.450.2051117588848884Non-Overfished
OFL is based on a 30% SPR harvest rate in the 2013 data-moderate assessment, with ACL = ABC (P* = 0.45) in 2019 projections (Table 3 pg 4; Agenda Item H.6 Attachment 2 November 2019).
2013ExSSSCope-2013 Data-moderate Assessment of English SoleSSC Report on the 2013 English Sole Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Projections for English Sole (Table 3)-11
N of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.143423736313631Non-Overfished
OFLs projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2021 full assessment of lingcod North of 40°10’ N lat. (Table vii pg xvi).  
2021FullTaylor-2021 Assessment of Lingcod North of 40°10’ N lat.SSC Report on the 2021 Lingcod Assessment--1022
Longnose Skate
CW2 (Year Based)0.450.159192216161616Non-Overfished
OFLs projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 assessment (Table ES-6 pg 20). ACL = ABC.
2019FullGertseva-2019 Longnose Skate AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Longnose Skate Assessment---11
Longspine Thornyhead
CW2 (Year Based)0.400.3742842698-Non-Overfished
Coastwide OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 catch-only projection update (Table g pg 13).  The coastwide ABC (P* = 0.4) is apportioned N (76%) and S (24%) of 34°27’ N lat. to determine ACLs based on the 2003-2012 average swept area biomass from the NMFS trawl survey.
2013FullStephens-2013 Longspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2013 Longspine Thornyhead Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Update Projection for Longspine Thornyhead1033
Longspine Thornyhead
S of 34272 (Year Based)0.400.37--647.5Non-Overfished
Coastwide OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 catch-only projection update (Table g pg 13).  The coastwide ABC (P* = 0.4) is apportioned N (76%) and S (24%) of 34°27’ N lat. to determine ACLs based on the 2003-2012 average swept area biomass from the NMFS trawl survey. S of 34°27’ N lat. 2025 ACL = ABC 2,697.92 * 0.24 = 647.5; 2026 ACL = ABC 2,574.60 * 0.24 = 617.9.
2013FullStephens-2013 Longspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2013 Longspine Thornyhead Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Update Projection for Longspine Thornyhead-33
Longspine Thornyhead
N of 34272 (Year Based)0.400.37--2050.4Non-Overfished
Coastwide OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 catch-only projection update (Table g pg 13).  The coastwide ABC (P* = 0.4) is apportioned N (76%) and S (24%) of 34°27’ N lat. to determine ACLs based on the 2003-2012 average swept area biomass from the NMFS trawl survey.  N of 34°27’ N lat. 2025 ACL = ABC 2,697.92 * 0.76 = 2050.42; 2026 ACL = ABC 2,574.60 * 0.76 = 1956.70.
2013FullStephens-2013 Longspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2013 Longspine Thornyhead Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Update Projection for Longspine Thornyhead-33
Pacific Ocean Perch
N of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.174402933283328Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2019 Pacific Ocean Perch Updated Harvest Specification Projections (Table 7, Agenda Item H.8 Supplemental Attachment 2 September 2019).  ACL = ABC (P* = 0.45).
2017FullWetzel-2017 Pacific Ocean Perch AssessmentSSC Report on the 2017 Pacific Ocean Perch Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Pacific Ocean Perch (Table 13)1022
Pacific Spiny Dogfish
CW2 (Year Based)0.400.267185713611361Non-Overfished
OFL is based on a 50% SPR harvest rate projected in the 2021 assessment, with a category 2 sigma, P* = 0.4, ACL=ABC in 2019 projections (Table 4 pg 5; Agenda Item E.3 Supp Revised Attachment 4 November 2021).
2021FullGertseva-2021 Spiny Dogfish AssessmentSSC June 2021 Report on the 2021 Spiny Dogfish Assessment---11
Petrale Sole
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.065251823542354Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 30% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table 30, pg 75).
2023FullTaylor-2023 Petrale Sole AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Petrale Sole Assessment---11
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.0653908536545-Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 limited update assessment (Table vii, pg xvi). ACL split N (78.5%) and S (21.5%) of 36 degrees N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. 
2023UpdateJohnson-2023 Sablefish Limited Update AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Sablefish Limited Update Assessment--1033
N of 361 (Year Based)0.400.127--28688Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 limited update assessment (Table vii, pg xvi). ACL split N (78.5%) and S (21.5%) of 36 degrees N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. 
2023UpdateJohnson-2023 Sablefish Limited Update AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Sablefish Limited Update Assessment---33
S of 361 (Year Based)0.400.127--7857Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 limited update assessment (Table vii, pg xvi). ACL split N (78.5%) and S (21.5%) of 36 degrees N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. 
2023UpdateJohnson-2023 Sablefish Limited Update AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Sablefish Limited Update Assessment---33
S of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.044172415081508Non-Overfished
Projections based on the 2009 assessment using the sigmas for 2020 and beyond (Table X pg X; Agenda Item G.2 Attachment 2 September 2023).
2009FullGertseva-2009 Splitnose Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2009 Splitnose Rockfish Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Splitnose Rockfish (Table 6)1022
Widow Rockfish
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.083122541123711237Non-Overfished
OFL based on the 2023 catch-only update of the 2019 update assessment (Table 2; Agenda Item G.2 Attachment 14 Sept 2023).
2019UpdateAdams-2019 Update Assessment for Widow RockfishSSC Report on the 2019 Widow Rockfish Update Assessment-2023 Catch-Only Projection Widow Rockfish-11
Yellowtail Rockfish
N of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.091686662416241Non-Overfished
OFL is based on the 2023 catch-only update of the 2017 update assessment (Table 1; Agenda Item E.2 Attachment 3 Nov 2023).
2017FullStephens-2017 Yellowtail Rockfish North AssessmentSSC Report on the 2017 Yellowtail Rockfish North Assessment-2023 Catch-Only Update of Yellowtail Rockfish Harvest Projections1022
Pacific Cod
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.398320019261600Unknown
OFL is based on the highest historical catch (in 1985).  ACL = 50% of the OFL.
Starry Flounder
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.398652392392Unknown
OFL based on the 2017 DB-SRA assessment of starry flounder (Agenda Item F.6.a Supp SSC Rpt1 November 2017).
2017DBSRADick-2017 DB-SRA Assessment of Starry FlounderSSC Report on the 2017 Starry Flounder DB-SRA Assessment---11
Canary Rockfish
CW1 (Year Based)0.450.065647605571Precautionary
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment. Alternative 2 P*=0.40 (Table 1-6; Agenda Item E.5 Supp Revised Attachment 1 Nov 2023). Precautionary, ACL<ABC. 
2023FullLangseth-2023 Canary Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Canary Rockfish Assessment---11
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.143897768748Precautionary
OFLs projected using a 45% SPR harvest rate in the 2021 full assessment of lingcod South of 40°10’ N lat. (Table vii pg xvi). The southern stock of lingcod is below 40% (precautionary), so ACL<ABC with the 40-10 rule applied.
2021FullJohnson-2021 Assessment of Lingcod South of 40°10’ N lat.SSC Report on the 2021 Lingcod Assessment--1022
Shortspine Thornyhead
CW2 (Year Based)0.450.126940821-Precautionary
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table 8 pg 43). Precautionary ACL < ABC, 40-10 rule, P*=0.45. ACL split N (70.6%) and S (29.4%) of 34 degrees 27' N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. Alternative 2 P*=0.45 (Table 1-3; Agenda Item E.5 Supp Revised Attachment 1 Nov 2023).
2023Data-moderateZahner-2023 Shortspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Shortspine Thornyhead Assessment--1033
Shortspine Thornyhead
S of 34272 (Year Based)0.450.126---Precautionary
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table 8 pg 43). Precautionary ACL < ABC, 40-10 rule, P*=0.45. ACL split N (70.6%) and S (29.4%) of 34 degrees 27' N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. Alternative 2 P*=0.45 (Table 1-3; Agenda Item E.5 Supp Revised Attachment 1 Nov 2023).
2023Data-moderateZahner-2023 Shortspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Shortspine Thornyhead Assessment---33
Shortspine Thornyhead
N of 34272 (Year Based)0.450.126---Precautionary
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table 8 pg 43). Precautionary ACL < ABC, 40-10 rule, P*=0.45. ACL split N (70.6%) and S (29.4%) of 34 degrees 27' N. latitude using a 5-year rolling avg (2017-2022, no survey 2020) of biomass estimates by area from the NWFSC WCGBT survey. Alternative 2 P*=0.45 (Table 1-3; Agenda Item E.5 Supp Revised Attachment 1 Nov 2023).
2023Data-moderateZahner-2023 Shortspine Thornyhead AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Shortspine Thornyhead Assessment---33
Blue/Deacon/Black Rockfish
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
Black Rockfish
OR1 (Year Based)0.450.065367.5343.6125343.6125Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 full assessment (Table vii pg xix).
2023FullCope-2023 Black Rockfish Assessment ORSSC Report on the 2023 Black Rockfish Assessment OR---33
OR2 (Year Based)0.450.17496.44379.661979.6619Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR from the 2021 updated harvest specification projections for blue and deacon rockfishes (Table 3; Agenda Item C.8 Attachment 2 September 2021).  HG = ABC/ACL for managing OR fisheries.
2017FullBerger-2017 Assessment of Blue and Deacon RockfishesSSC Report on the 2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Blue and Deacon Rockfishes in Oregon (Table 3)-55
Nearshore Rockfish North
N of 4010---1068888-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
Black and Yellow
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
WA3 (Year Based)0.450.2227.25.60165.6016Unknown
Inferred Washington OFL provided in Appendix F (Table F2 pg 373) of the 2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes assessment. 
2017FullDick-2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment (Appendix F)SSC Report on the 2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment---55
42 - 40102 (Year Based)0.450.17433.56127.721427.7214Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 catch-only projection update (Table g pg 16; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 17 September 2019).  10% of the CA OFL is apportioned North of 40°10’ N lat. (see Appendix D of the 2017 Assessment, pg 361).
N of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 335.61 * 0.10 = 33.561; 2026 OFL = 335.08 * 0.10 = 33.508.
2017FullDick-2017 Assessment of Blue and Deacon RockfishesSept. 2017 SSC Report on the Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for Blue and Deacon Rockfishes in California-55
N of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.2052.11.66951.6695Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 harvest projection update (Table 1 pg 3; Agenda Item H.6 Attachment 2 November 2019).  The portion of the coastwide stock North of 40`10 N lat. based on the proportion of cumulative removals by area during 1916-2012 (~1.15%).
N of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 181.9 * 0.0115 = 2.1; 2026 OFL = 182.5 * 0.0115 = 2.11.
2013XDBSRADick-2013 Data-moderate Assessment of Brown RockfishSSC Report on the 2013 Brown Rockfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Projections for Brown Rockfish (Table1)-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
WA2 (Year Based)0.450.199.457.65457.6545Non-Overfished
OFLs projected from the North Model in the 2015 assessment updated with 2019 catch-only projections (Table r pg 34; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 19 September 2019).
2015FullHaltuch-2015 China Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2015 China Rockfish Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for China Rockfish-33
4010 - 46162 (Year Based)0.450.1919.8916.110916.1109Non-Overfished
OFLs projected from the Central Model in the 2015 assessment updated with 2019 catch-only projections (Table r pg 34; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 19 September 2019).
2015FullTaylor-2015 China Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2015 China Rockfish Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for China Rockfish-33
42 - 40101 (Year Based)0.450.0657.46.9196.8Precautionary
OFL projected from the 2023 full assessment; stock defined as CA (S of 42), apportioned to complex (N 4010 = 5.86%) based on estimates of rocky habitat and density of copper rockfish in the area (Table xiv, pg xxvi).
2023FullMonk-2023 Copper Rockfish Assessment North of Point Conception 34 27----77
OR2 (Year Based)0.450.143---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of N of 42 (WA+OR)) (Table 5 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023). Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record for Area = Washington and Oregon. These records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition.
2021Data-moderateWetzel-2021 Data-moderate Assessment of Copper Rockfish in ORSSC Report on the 2021 Copper Rockfish Assessment in WA-Updated Catch Projections Sept 2023 for Copper Rockfish N of 42-77
WA - OR2 (Year Based)0.450.14319.0616.334416.3344Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of N of 42 (WA+OR)) (Table 5 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023).
2021------Updated Catch Projections Sept 2023 for Copper Rockfish N of 42-77
WA2 (Year Based)0.450.143---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of N of 42 (WA+OR)) (Table 5 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023). Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record for Area = Washington and Oregon. These records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition.
2021Data-moderateWetzel-2021 Data-moderate Assessment of Copper Rockfish in WASSC Report on the 2021 Copper Rockfish Assessment in WA-Updated Catch Projections Sept 2023 for Copper Rockfish N of 42-77
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.657.5111.5111Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.315.2451.2451Unknown
WA3 (Year Based)0.450.2222.862.22512.2251Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate MSY proxy from the 2021 assessment of quillback rockfish in WA (November 2021 version Section 4.2 pg 20, per SSC recommendation as constant OFL = 2.86 mt, Category 3, P*=0.45, ABC = 2.22 mt).
2021Data-moderateLangseth-2021 Data-moderate Assessment of Quillback Rockfish in WASSC Report on the 2021 Quillback Rockfish Assessment in WA---55
OR2 (Year Based)0.450.1433.172.71672.7167Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate from the 2021 assessment of quillback rockfish in Oregon (December 2021 version, Table 14 pg 51, per Section 4.1 pg 23).
2021Data-moderateLangseth-2021 Data-moderate Assessment of Quillback Rockfish in ORSSC Report on the 2021 Quillback Rockfish Assessment in OR---55
42 - 40102 (Year Based)0.450.143---Unknown
Per November 2023 Council decision, quillback rockfish off California (S of 42, Amendment 31 stock definition) were removed from the Nearshore Rockfish Complexes.  Note a new stock in the DB will need to be generated for harvest specification values adopted in March 2024. 
2021Data-moderateLangseth-2021 Assessment of Quillback Rockfish in CASSC Recommendations on the 2021 CA Quillback Assessment and Rebuilding Analysis2021 Rebuilding Analysis for Quillback Rockfish in CA--55
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.2165.1684.1684Unknown
Nearshore Rockfish South
S of 4010---1137934932-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
Black and Yellow
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.159---Non-Overfished
Gopher and black-and-yellow rockfishes are now combined in the 2019 assessment and resulting harvest specifications (documented in the gopher specifications).  OFL based on a 50% SPR harvest rate projected in the 2019 assessment (Table g pg xix).
2019---2019 Assessment of Gopher and Black-and-Yellow RockfishesSSC Recommendations on the Gopher and Black-and-Yellow Rockfishes Assessment---22
4010 - 34272 (Year Based)0.450.174302.049249.4925249.4925Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 catch-only projection update (Table g pg 16; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 17 September 2019).  90% of the CA OFL is apportioned South of 40°10’ N lat. (see Appendix D of the 2017 Assessment, pg 361).
S of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 335.61 * 0.90 = 302.049; 2026 OFL = 335.08 * 0.90 = 301.572.
2017FullDick-2017 Assessment of Blue and Deacon RockfishesSept. 2017 SSC Report on the Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for Blue and Deacon Rockfishes in California-55
S of 34273 (Year Based)0.450.22221.816.960416.9604Unknown
Appendix G of the 2017 blue and deacon assessment describes calculation of the OFL proxy (pg 376).
2017DCACDick-2017 Assessment of Blue and Deacon RockfishesSept 2017 SSC Report on the Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Assessment---55
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.205179.8142.941142.941Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 harvest projection update (Table 1 pg 3; Agenda Item H.6 Attachment 2 November 2019).  The portion of the coastwide stock South of 40`10 N lat. based on the proportion of cumulative removals by area during 1916-2012 (~98.8%).
S of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 181.9 * 0.988 = 179.8; 2026 OFL = 182.5 * 0.988 = 180.39.
2013XDBSRADick-2013 Data-moderate Assessment of Brown RockfishSSC Report on the 2013 Brown Rockfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Projections for Brown Rockfish (Table1)-22
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.1917.2313.956313.9563Precautionary
OFLs projected from the South Model in the 2015 assessment updated with 2019 catch-only projections (Table r pg 34; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 19 September 2019).
2015Full--2015 China Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2015 China Rockfish Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for China Rockfish-33
S of 34271 (Year Based)0.450.065----
OFL projected from the 2023 full assessment; stock defined as CA (S of 42), apportioned to complex (N 4010 = 5.86%) based on estimates of rocky habitat and density of copper rockfish in the area (Table xiv and xv, pg xxvii and xxvi). ACL values split by designated areas (S 3427 - 2025 = 15.8, 2026 = 18) (4010 to 3427 - 2025 = 109.2, 2026 = 108.4).
2023FullWetzel-2023 Copper Rockfish Assessment South of Point Conception 34 27----77
S of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.065136.06127.2161125-
OFL projected from the 2023 full assessment; stock defined as CA (S of 42), apportioned to complex (N 4010 = 5.86%) based on estimates of rocky habitat and density of copper rockfish in the area (Table xiv and xv, pg xxvii and xxvi). ACL values split by designated areas (S 3427 - 2025 = 15.8, 2026 = 18) (4010 to 3427 - 2025 = 109.2, 2026 = 108.4). Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record for Area S of 4010. Any sub-area records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition.
2023---2023 Copper Rockfish Stock Assessment North of Point Conception 34 27----77
4010 - 34271 (Year Based)0.450.065----
OFL projected from the 2023 full assessment; stock defined as CA (S of 42), apportioned to complex (N 4010 = 5.86%) based on estimates of rocky habitat and density of copper rockfish in the area (Table xiv and xv, pg xxvii and xxvi). ACL values split by designated areas (S 3427 - 2025 = 15.8, 2026 = 18) (4010 to 3427 - 2025 = 109.2, 2026 = 108.4). 
2023FullMonk-2023 Copper Rockfish Assessment North of Point Conception 34 27----77
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.159155130.355130.355Non-Overfished
Gopher and black-and-yellow rockfishes are now combined in the 2019 assessment and resulting harvest specifications (documented in the gopher specifications).  OFL based on a 50% SPR harvest rate projected in the 2019 assessment (Table g pg xix).
2019FullMonk-2019 Assessment of Gopher and Black-and-Yellow RockfishesSSC Recommendations on the Gopher and Black-and-Yellow Rockfishes Assessment---22
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22259.626746.389646.3896Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22227.659421.51921.519Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222224.6426174.7719174.7719Unknown
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.143---Unknown
Per November 2023 Council decision, quillback rockfish off California (S of 42, Amendment 31 stock definition) were removed from the Nearshore Rockfish Complexes.  Note a new stock in the DB will need to be generated for harvest specification values adopted in March 2024. 
2021Data-moderateLangseth-2021 Assessment of Quillback Rockfish in CASSC Recommendations on the 2021 Quillback Rockfish Assessment and Rebuilding Analysis2021 Rebuilding Analysis of Quillback Rockfish in CA--55
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22213.229510.292610.2926Unknown
Other Fish
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
Kelp Greenling
CA3 (Year Based)0.450.222118.992.504292.5042Unknown
Leopard Shark
CW3 (Year Based)0.450.222167.1130.0038130Unknown
Other Flatfish
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
Butter Sole
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.3984.6312.78792.7879Unknown
Based on the average catch during 1994-1998 + a 60% discard rate estimated from the EDCP study (2020 SAFE; Table 2-19 pg 260).
Curlfin Sole
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.3988.2424.96174.9617Unknown
Based on the average catch during 1994-1998 + a 60% discard rate estimated from the EDCP study (2020 SAFE; Table 2-19 pg 260).
Flathead Sole
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.3983521.0721.07Unknown
Max. catch = 35 mt in 2005 (2020 SAFE; Table 2-19 pg 260).
Pacific Sanddab
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.39848012890.2022890.202Non-Overfished
Rex Sole
CW2 (Year Based)0.450.1265205.594549.68574549.6857Non-Overfished
OFL projected using a 30% SPR harvest rate in the 2023 data moderate assessment, with revised projections per Council Sept 2023 request, Alternative 2 P*=0.45 (Table 1-4; Agenda Item E.5 Supp Revised Attachment 1 Nov 2023).
2023Data-moderateMin-2023 Rex Sole AssessmentSSC Report on the 2023 Rex Sole Assessment-2023 Rex Sole Harvest Projections per Council September 2023 Request-11
Rock Sole
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.39866.740.153440.1534Unknown
Sand Sole
CW3 (Year Based)0.400.398773.2465.4664465.4664Unknown
Pacific Whiting
2023FullBerger-Pacific Hake (whiting) stock status in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2023----11
Shelf Rockfish North
N of 4010---166813301330-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222284.0136220.9626220.9626Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.1235.45211.905211.905Non-Overfished
OFL from a 2023 catch-only projection update of the 2015 assessment, based on the corrected 2017 catch-only update to the assessment to correct errors in historical catch estimates between 1916-2016 (based on the 2017 model with time-varying buffers starting in 2015) (Table 1 pg 2; Agenda Item E.2 Attachment 2 Nov 2023). OFLs are apportioned to the North (7%) and South (93%) of 40°10’ N lat. based on average historical landings. N of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 3363.5 * 0.07 = 235.45; 2026 OFL = 3171.2 * 0.07 = 221.98.
2015UpdateField-2015 Update Assessment of Chilipepper RockfishSSC Report on the 2015 Chilipepper Rockfish Update Assessment-2023 Harvest Specification Projections for Chilipepper Rockfish-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.567.4411.4411Unknown
OFL is based on the 2019 DB-SRA estimate in Appendix B of the 2019 cowcod assessment (Table F2 pg 179; Percentile 50% (Median)). OFLs are apportioned to the north of 40°10’ N lat. (3%) and 40°10’ - 34°27’ N lat. (97%) based on cumulative historical catch (Table F3 pg 179; 1916-2018).
2019DBSRADick-2019 Cowcod AssessmentSSC Report on the 2019 Cowcod Assessment---44
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.0724.0563.0563Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2221.2774.9938.9938Unknown
WA - OR3 (Year Based)0.450.2226.14.74584.7458Unknown
42 - 40102 (Year Based)0.450.229.4537.44897.3532Precautionary
2024 OFL and ABC values (per SSC recommendation and Council adopted September 2023) (Agenda Item G.6.a Supplemental SSC Report 1 September 2023).
2011FullDick-2011 Greenspotted Rockfish AssessmentSSC Sept 2023 Recommendations on 2025-2026 Harvest Specifications-2021 updated catch-only projections for greenspotted rockfish-44
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222623.61485.1686485.1686Non-Overfished
OFL based on the MSY associated with the FMSY proxy in the 2009 assessment (Table d pg vii; Yield with SPR50% at SBSPR).  The portion of the coastwide stock North (84.5%) and South (15.5%) of 40°10’ N lat. is based on the mean of the 2003-2008 swept area biomass estimates from the NMFS trawl survey.
2009FullHicks-2009 Greenstriped Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2009 Greenstriped Rockfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Greenstriped Rockfish (Table 11)-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.0037.0029.0029Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
Puget Sound
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222269.9106209.9904209.9904Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22212.897110.033910.0339Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2223.0342.36052.3605Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222159.4204124.0291124.0291Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.1711.1331.1331Unknown
42 - 40102 (Year Based)0.450.143---Precautionary
An OFL is not provided in this geographic area, per Section 4.3 (pg 21) of the 2021 squarespot rockfish data-moderate assessment in California, as after 2000 it is assumed that 100% of removals are from South of 40°10’ N lat. and thus no apportionment of the overall OFL was made to this area.
2021Data-moderateCope-2021 Assessment of Squarespot Rockfish in CaliforniaSSC recommendations regarding the 2021 squarespot rockfish assessment---22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.0037.0029.0029Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22240.395431.427631.4276Non-Overfished

2011DBSRADick-2013 stripetail rockfish assessment (used for status determination only)SSC Report on the 2013 Stripetail Rockfish Assessment---22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.0001.0001.0001Unknown
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.9689.7538.7538Unknown
OR1 (Year Based)0.450.074---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of OR and WA (N of 42) (Table 6 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023). Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record for Area = Washington and Oregon. These records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition. 
2021FullCope-2021 Stock Assessment of Vermilion Rockfish in ORSSC Report on the 2021 Vermilion Rockfish Assessment-2023 Projection Update for Vermilion Rockfish N of 42-77
WA - OR---13.9713.0113.01Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of OR and WA (N of 42) (Table 6 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023). 
WA2 (Year Based)0.450.143---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of OR and WA (N of 42) (Table 6 pg 4; Agenda Item G.6 Supp Revised Attachment 2 Sept 2023). Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record for Area = Washington and Oregon. These records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition. 
2021FullCope-2021 Stock Assessment of Vermilion Rockfish in WASSC Report on the 2021 Assessment of Vermilion Rockfish-2023 Projection Update for Vermilion Rockfish N of 42-77
42 - 40101 (Year Based)0.450.07476.26.2Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of California (S of 42) (Table 3; Agenda Item E.2 Supp Revised Attachment 5 November 2023). Stock apportionment to complex based on yield from the northern assessment model (4.4%) and southern complex is the remainder (95.6%) of the northern model yields plus the southern model yields.  
2021FullMonk-2021 Stock Assessment of Vermilion and Sunset Rockfishes in CA N of Pt. ConceptionSSC Report on the 2021 Assessment of Vermilion Rockfish-Catch Projection Updates for Vermilion/Sunset Rockfish in California (November 2023)-77
Shelf Rockfish South
S of 4010---182814581457-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2223.64652.8372.837Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22223.423918.223818.2238Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22223.130517.995517.9955Unknown
4010 - 34272 (Year Based)0.450.2233.12826.104925.7695Precautionary
2024 OFL and ABC values (per SSC recommendation and Council adopted September 2023) (Agenda Item G.6.a Supplemental SSC Report 1 September 2023).
2011FullDick-2011 Greenspotted Rockfish AssessmentSSC Sept 2023 Recommendations on 2025-2026 Harvest Specifications-2021 updated catch-only projections for greenspotted rockfish-44
S of 34272 (Year Based)0.450.2245.861636.143836.1438Non-Overfished
2024 OFL and ABC values (per SSC recommendation and Council adopted September 2023) (Agenda Item G.6.a Supplemental SSC Report 1 September 2023).
2011FullDick-2011 Greenspotted Rockfish AssessmentSSC Sept 2023 Recommendations on 2025-2026 Harvest Specifications-2021 updated catch-only projections for greenspotted rockfish-44
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222114.3988.995488.9954Non-Overfished
OFL based on the MSY associated with the FMSY proxy in the 2009 assessment (Table d pg vii; Yield with SPR50% at SBSPR).  The portion of the coastwide stock North (84.5%) and South (15.5%) of 40°10’ N lat. is based on the mean of the 2003-2008 swept area biomass estimates from the NMFS trawl survey.
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2229.86687.67647.6764Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2225.05323.93143.9314Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2222.51.9451.945Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.4926.3832.3832Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2222.13051.65751.6575Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22244.508234.627434.6274Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.5376.4183.4183Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22239.381330.638730.6387Unknown
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.1436.585.63915.39Precautionary
OFL projected using a 50% SPR harvest rate from the 2021 squarespot rockfish data-moderate assessment in CA (Table 17 pg 47).
2021Data-moderateCope-2021 assessment of squarespot rockfish in CaliforniaSSC recommendations regarding the 2021 squarespot rockfish assessment---22
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22262.571648.680748.6807Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22223.623318.378918.3789Non-Overfished
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22214.215911.0611.06Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.0399.031.031Unknown
S of 4010---308.2274.3274.3Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of California (S of 42) (Table 3; Agenda Item E.2 Supp Revised Attachment 5 November 2023). Stock apportionment to N and S 4010 complexes based on yield from the northern assessment model (4.4%) and southern complex is the remainder (95.6%) of the northern model yields plus the southern model yields. Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record. Any sub-area records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition.
4010 - 34271 (Year Based)0.450.074---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of California (S of 42) (Table 3; Agenda Item E.2 Supp Revised Attachment 5 November 2023). Stock apportionment to N and S 4010 complexes based on yield from the northern assessment model (4.4%) and southern complex is the remainder (95.6%) of the northern model yields plus the southern model yields. Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record. Any sub-area records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition. 
2021FullMonk-2021 Stock Assessment of Vermilion and Sunset Rockfishes in CA N of Pt. ConceptionSSC Report on the 2021 Assessment of Vermilion and Sunset Rockfishes in CA N of 34°27’ N lat.-Catch Projection Updates for Vermilion/Sunset Rockfish in California (November 2023)-77
S of 34272 (Year Based)0.450.143---Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2023 projection update of the 2021 assessments, based on a stock definition of California (S of 42) (Table 3; Agenda Item E.2 Supp Revised Attachment 5 November 2023). Stock apportionment to N and S 4010 complexes based on yield from the northern assessment model (4.4%) and southern complex is the remainder (95.6%) of the northern model yields plus the southern model yields. Note: Values placed in GF FMP Amend 31 stock definition record. Any sub-area records remain to track the separate assessments combined to single stock definition. 
2021FullDick-2021 Stock Assessment of Vermilion and Sunset Rockfishes in CA S of Pt. ConceptionSSC Report on the 2021 Assessment of Vermilion and Sunset Rockfishes in CA S of 34°27’ N lat.-Catch Projection Updates for Vermilion/Sunset Rockfish in California (November 2023)-77
Yellowtail Rockfish
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2221064.4392828.1337828.1337Unknown
Revisions to OFL Contributions for Category 3 Stocks (Dick 2011).
Slope Rockfish North
N of 4010---177914881488-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
N of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.10817.2915.422715.4227Non-Overfished
OFL is based on the 2013 assessment, with a category 1 sigma, P* = 0.45, ACL=ABC in projections provided in 2023 (Table 2 pg 3; Agenda Item G.2 Attachment 2 September 2023). The portion of the coastwide stock north (19%) and south (81%) of 40º10’ N lat. is based on average survey biomass.
2013FullHamel-2013 Aurora Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2013 Aurora Rockfish Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Aurora Rockfish (Table 2)-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22217.237513.410813.4108Unknown
Blackgill Rockfish
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.2224.73.65663.6566Unknown
Revisions to OFL Contributions for Category 3 Stocks (Dick 2011).
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22245.261835.213735.2137Unknown
N of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.205233.24185.4258185.4258Non-Overfished
OFL based on the 2019 catch-only update of the 2013 assessment (Table f pg xi; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 24 Sept 2019). The coastwide OFLs are apportioned north (98%) and south (2%) based on average landings during 1985-2012.
N of 4010 2025 OFL = 238 * 0.98 = 233.24; 2026 OFL = 237 * 0.98 = 232.26.
2013FullHicks-2013 Assessment of Rougheye and Blackspotted RockfishesSSC Report on the 2013 Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfishes Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfishes-22
N of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.205280222.6222.6Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 projection update of the 2013 assessment (Table 15 pg 8; Agenda Item H.8 Supp Attachment 2 September 2019). OFLs are apportioned to the North (80%) and South (20%) of 40°10’ N lat. based on average swept area biomass estimates from the triennial survey.
N of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 350 * 0.8 = 280; 2026 OFL = 348 * 0.8 = 278.4.
2013ExSSSCope-2013 Data-moderate Assessment of Sharpchin RockfishSSC Report on the 2013 Sharpchin Rockfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Projections for Sharpchin Rockfish (Table 15)-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22218.703814.551614.5516Unknown
N of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.044970848848Non-Overfished
Projections based on the 2009 assessment using the sigmas for 2020 and beyond (Table X pg X; Agenda Item G.2 Attachment 2 September 2023).
2009FullGertseva-2009 Splitnose Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2009 Splitnose Rockfish Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Splitnose Rockfish (Table 6)-22
N of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222192.4467149.7235149.7235Unknown
Slope Rockfish South
S of 4010---866693693-
Sum of harvest specification contributions of component stocks in the complex.
S of 40101 (Year Based)0.450.10873.7165.749365.7493Non-Overfished
OFL is based on the 2013 assessment, with a category 1 sigma, P* = 0.45, ACL=ABC in projections provided in 2023 (Table 2 pg 3; Agenda Item G.2 Attachment 2 September 2023). The portion of the coastwide stock north (19%) and south (81%) of 40º10’ N lat. is based on average survey biomass.
2013FullHamel-2013 Aurora Rockfish AssessmentSSC Report on the 2013 Aurora Rockfish Assessment-2021 Updated Harvest Specification Projections for Aurora Rockfish (Table 2)-22
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222503.215391.5013391.5013Unknown
Blackgill Rockfish
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.174203167.678167.678Non-Overfished
Values from a 2019 catch-only update/projection from the 2017 assessment update of blackgill rockfish in the Conception and Monterey INPFC areas (Table f pg x; Agenda Item H.5 Attachment 16 September 2019).
2017UpdateField-2017 Update Assessment of Blackgill RockfishSSC Report on the 2017 Blackgill Rockfish Update Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for Blackgill Rockfish-22
Pacific Ocean Perch
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222---Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.22210.48.09128.0912Unknown
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.2054.763.78423.7842Non-Overfished
OFL based on the 2019 catch-only update of the 2013 assessment (Table f pg xi; Agenda Item H.5 Supp Revised Attachment 24 Sept 2019). The coastwide OFLs are apportioned north (98%) and south (2%) based on average landings during 1985-2012.
S of 4010 2025 OFL = 238 * 0.02 = 4.76; 2026 OFL = 237 * 0.02 = 4.74.
2013FullHicks-2013 Assessment of Rougheye and Blackspotted RockfishesSSC Report on the 2013 Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfishes Assessment-2019 Catch-Only Projection Update for Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfishes-22
S of 40102 (Year Based)0.450.2057055.6555.65Non-Overfished
OFL from the 2019 projection update of the 2013 assessment (Table 15 pg 8; Agenda Item H.8 Supp Attachment 2 September 2019). OFLs are apportioned to the North (80%) and South (20%) of 40°10’ N lat. based on average swept area biomass estimates from the triennial survey.
S of 40°10’ N lat. 2025 OFL = 350 * 0.2 = 70; 2026 OFL = 348 * 0.2 = 69.6.
2013ExSSSCope-2013 Data-moderate Assessment of Sharpchin RockfishSSC Report on the 2013 Sharpchin Rockfish Assessment-2019 Updated Harvest Projections for Sharpchin Rockfish (Table 15)-22
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.105.0817.0817Unknown
S of 40103 (Year Based)0.450.222.8483.66.66Unknown