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PRD001 - List of Fisheries

The NOAA Protected Resources Division tracks and classifies all U.S. fisheries and their level of interaction with marine mammals. In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the estimated number of participants in each of these classified fisheries, is provided along with the species or stock that might be incidentally killed or injured through that fishing activity. Participant counts are available for 2015 - present.

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Pacfin YearPrdlof Fishery CodePrdlof Fishery NameParticipantsPrdlof Fishery CategoryPrdlof Gear Group
2015DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)19Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2015DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)20Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2015DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)18Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2015DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet246Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2015DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)119Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2015DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet57Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2015DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries187Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2015DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net3Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2015GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)34Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2015GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)2Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2015GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet10Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2015HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon12Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2015HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline376Category IIITroll Fisheries
2015HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery218Category IIITroll Fisheries
2015LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline2Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2015LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line283Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2015LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline95Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2015MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection321Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2015POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot5Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot428Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster189Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot110Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot17Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap42Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot289Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot63Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot120Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot182Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 25Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 139Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2015REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net11Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine52Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine60Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine11Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_COLRIV_SAMNWA/OR Lower Columbia River salmon seine1Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_WA_OR_SARDWA/OR sardine purse seine6Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara24Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine78Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2015TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll557Category IIITroll Fisheries
2015TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll1038Category IIITroll Fisheries
2015TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl21Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2015TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl11Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2015TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl98Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2015TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl130Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2016DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)21Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2016DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)18Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2016DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)15Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2016DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet234Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2016DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)113Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2016DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet54Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2016DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries170Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2016DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net19Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2016GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)32Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2016GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)11Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2016GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet8Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2016HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon19Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2016HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline325Category IIITroll Fisheries
2016HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery191Category IIITroll Fisheries
2016LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline2Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2016LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line315Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2016LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline122Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2016MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection248Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2016POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot8Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot471Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster181Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot84Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot22Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap40Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot315Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot61Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot145Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot180Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 26Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 143Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2016REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net7Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine39Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine64Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine9Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_COLRIV_SAMNWA/OR Lower Columbia River salmon seine1Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara41Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine73Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2016TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll556Category IIITroll Fisheries
2016TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll796Category IIITroll Fisheries
2016TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl23Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2016TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl11Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2016TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl116Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2016TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl119Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2017DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)18Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2017DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)8Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2017DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)15Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2017DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet207Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2017DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)116Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2017DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet44Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2017DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries157Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2017DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net15Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2017GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)35Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2017GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)9Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2017GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet7Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2017HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon21Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2017HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline379Category IIITroll Fisheries
2017HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery192Category IIITroll Fisheries
2017LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline2Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2017LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line296Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2017LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline114Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2017MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection216Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2017POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot9Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot463Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster162Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot101Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot17Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap40Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot321Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot57Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot133Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot196Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 28Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 137Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2017REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net9Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine53Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine66Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine9Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara32Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine77Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2017TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll495Category IIITroll Fisheries
2017TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll636Category IIITroll Fisheries
2017TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl23Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2017TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl7Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2017TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl116Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2017TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl107Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2018DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)21Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2018DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)5Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2018DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)14Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2018DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet181Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2018DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)137Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2018DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet40Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2018DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries147Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2018DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net19Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2018GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)41Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2018GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)9Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2018GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet2Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2018HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon15Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2018HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline391Category IIITroll Fisheries
2018HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery216Category IIITroll Fisheries
2018LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline2Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2018LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line269Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2018LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline99Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2018MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection241Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2018POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot9Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot469Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster170Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot113Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot19Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_CA_TCRBCA tanner crab pot2Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap39Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot318Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot47Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot122Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot194Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 25Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 137Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2018REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net11Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine44Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine68Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine14Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara31Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine81Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2018TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll434Category IIITroll Fisheries
2018TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll728Category IIITroll Fisheries
2018TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl21Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2018TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl9Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2018TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl117Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2018TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl113Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2019DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)15Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2019DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)4Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2019DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)19Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2019DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet170Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2019DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)90Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2019DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet47Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2019DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries149Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2019DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net13Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2019GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)30Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2019HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon16Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2019HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline412Category IIITroll Fisheries
2019HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery200Category IIITroll Fisheries
2019LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline4Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2019LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line268Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2019LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline130Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2019MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection237Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2019POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot7Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot463Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster174Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot111Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot18Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_CA_TCRBCA tanner crab pot1Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap43Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot323Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot45Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot93Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot204Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 24Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 139Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2019REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net10Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine57Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine61Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine11Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara42Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine74Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2019TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll540Category IIITroll Fisheries
2019TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll808Category IIITroll Fisheries
2019TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl20Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2019TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl4Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2019TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl113Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2019TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl114Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2020DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)11Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2020DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)5Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2020DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)19Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2020DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet165Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2020DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)78Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2020DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet45Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2020DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries136Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2020DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net9Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2020GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)35Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2020GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)3Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2020GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet8Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2020HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon17Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2020HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline433Category IIITroll Fisheries
2020HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery195Category IIITroll Fisheries
2020LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline3Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2020LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line217Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2020LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline104Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2020MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection257Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2020POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot7Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot422Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster162Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot104Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot20Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_CA_TCRBCA tanner crab pot1Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap36Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot319Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot34Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot70Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot199Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 26Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 122Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2020REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net4Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine59Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine59Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine12Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara48Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine56Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2020TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll394Category IIITroll Fisheries
2020TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll680Category IIITroll Fisheries
2020TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl18Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2020TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl5Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2020TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl105Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2020TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl106Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2021DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)7Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2021DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)6Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2021DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)20Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2021DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet172Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2021DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)62Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2021DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet47Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2021DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries127Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2021DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net16Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2021GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)36Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2021GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)1Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2021GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet7Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2021HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon11Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2021HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline379Category IIITroll Fisheries
2021HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery195Category IIITroll Fisheries
2021LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline3Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2021LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line216Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2021LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline121Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2021MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection229Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2021POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot6Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot398Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster154Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot104Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot19Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap33Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot352Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot27Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot60Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot191Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 28Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 129Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2021REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net10Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine46Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine63Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine3Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara42Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine51Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2021TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll296Category IIITroll Fisheries
2021TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll697Category IIITroll Fisheries
2021TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl18Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2021TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl5Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2021TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl103Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2021TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl99Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2022DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)7Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2022DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)3Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2022DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)16Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2022DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet171Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2022DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)87Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2022DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet43Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2022DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries135Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2022DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net16Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2022GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)37Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2022GLN_CA_SMALLCA set gillnet (mesh size <3.5 in)2Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2022GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet8Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2022HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon17Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2022HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline375Category IIITroll Fisheries
2022HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery188Category IIITroll Fisheries
2022LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline3Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2022LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line205Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2022LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline107Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2022MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection422Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2022POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot7Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot361Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster154Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot103Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot18Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap38Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot303Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot26Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot97Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot200Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 27Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 131Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2022REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net10Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine58Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine63Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine10Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara36Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine62Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2022TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll400Category IIITroll Fisheries
2022TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll676Category IIITroll Fisheries
2022TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl19Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2022TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl3Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2022TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl104Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2022TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl88Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2023DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)5Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2023DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)8Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2023DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)7Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2023DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet156Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2023DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)71Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2023DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet32Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2023DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries126Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2023DPN_CA_SQIDCA squid dip net9Category IIIDip Net Fisheries
2023GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)32Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2023GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet4Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2023HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon18Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2023HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline357Category IIITroll Fisheries
2023HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery184Category IIITroll Fisheries
2023LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline3Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2023LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line213Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2023LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline115Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2023MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection344Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2023POT_CA_COONSTRIPECA coonstripe shrimp pot7Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot345Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster148Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot84Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_CA_SPRWCA spot prawn pot18Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_CA_TCRBCA tanner crab pot1Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap34Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot320Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot17Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot95Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot198Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 25Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 117Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2023REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net6Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine46Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine56Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine9Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara10Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine43Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2023TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll304Category IIITroll Fisheries
2023TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll172Category IIITroll Fisheries
2023TWL_CA_CHLBCA halibut bottom trawl17Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2023TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl5Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2023TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl98Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2023TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl82Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2024DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)4Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2024DGN_CA_YLTL_WBASCA yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >/=3.5 in and <14 in)4Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2024DGN_WA_GRAYS_SAMNWA Grays Harbor salmon drift gillnet (excluding treaty Tribal fishing)9Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2024DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet141Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2024DGN_WA_PUGET_SAMNWA Puget Sound Region salmon drift gillnet (includes all inland waters south of US-Canada border and eastward of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line-Treaty Indian fishing is excluded)65Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2024DGN_WA_WILLAPA_SAMNWA Willapa Bay drift gillnet33Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2024DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries122Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2024GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)26Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2024GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet6Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2024HAR_CA_SWORDFISHCA swordfish harpoon9Category IIIHarpoon Fisheries
2024HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline414Category IIITroll Fisheries
2024HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery163Category IIITroll Fisheries
2024LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline3Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2024LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line194Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2024LGL_PHLBWA/OR/CA Pacific halibut longline117Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2024MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection349Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2024POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot28Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_CA_LOBSCA spiny lobster151Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_CA_RCRBCA rock crab pot87Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_CA_TCRBCA tanner crab pot1Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_NEARSHORECA Nearshore Finfish Trap35Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot334Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot23Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot69Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot203Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_WA_OR_SRMPWA/OR shrimp pot/trap 23Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 119Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2024REEF_WA_SAMNWA salmon reef net6Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine45Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_CA_SQIDCA squid purse seine1Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_CA_TUNACA tuna purse seine1Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_COLRIV_SAMNWA/OR Lower Columbia River salmon seine1Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara12Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024SEN_WA_SAMNWA salmon purse seine52Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2024TLS_ALB_NPWA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll346Category IIITroll Fisheries
2024TLS_SAMNCA/OR/WA salmon troll239Category IIITroll Fisheries
2024TWL_CA_USCUCA sea cucumber trawl6Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2024TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl93Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2024TWL_SRMPWA/OR/CA shrimp trawl85Category IIITrawl Fisheries
2025DGN_CA_SWORDFISHCA thresher shark/ swordfish drift gillnet (>/=14 in mesh)4Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2025DGN_WA_OR_SAMNWA/OR lower Columbia River (includes tributaries) drift gillnet39Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2025DIVECA/OR/WA Dive Fisheries87Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2025GLN_CA_HALB_BASSCA halibut/ white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)13Category IIGillnet Fisheries
2025GLN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR Mainstem Columbia River eulachon gillnet5Category IIIGillnet Fisheries
2025HKL_CA_CHLB_WBAS_YLTLCA white seabass hook and line/handline27Category IIITroll Fisheries
2025HKL_NEARSHORENearshore Hook and Line Fishery22Category IIITroll Fisheries
2025LGL_CA_PELAGICCA pelagic longline1Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2025LGL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line59Category IIILongline/Set Line Fisheries
2025MECHCA/OR/WA Hand/Mechanical Collection90Category IIIDive, Hand/Mechanical Collection Fisheries
2025POT_CA_DCRBCA Dungeness crab pot23Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025POT_OR_DCRBOR Dungeness crab pot321Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025POT_PHAGWA/OR/CA hagfish pot11Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025POT_SABLWA/OR/CA Sablefish Pot19Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025POT_WA_COASTAL_DCRBWA coastal Dungeness crab pot192Category IIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025POT_WA_PUGET_DCRBWA Puget Sound Dungeness crab pot/trap 82Category IIIPot, Ring Net, And Trap Fisheries
2025SEN_CA_CPSCA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine12Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2025SEN_WA_OR_SMELTWA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara2Category IIIMiscellaneous Net Fisheries
2025TWL_GRNDWA/OR/CA groundfish trawl35Category IIITrawl Fisheries